Hedge Fund & Alternative Investments
Expert Witness
Hedge Fund Expert Witness| Alternative Investment Expert Witness
Barclay T. Leib, CFE, CAIA
Mr. Leib is an expert on hedge funds and due diligence around alternative investments. A Wilson Scholar graduate from Princeton University, Mr. Leib has been doing investigative work particularly around hedge funds since 1999. He is the co-author of the CFA Institute’s current Level 1 and Level III textbook chapters on hedge fund and alternative investing, and has assisted the SEC and CFTC in various financial fraud investigations.
As a hedge fund due diligence professional, Mr. Leib continues to offer alternative asset manager evaluation to family offices under his own consulting entity Sand Spring Advisors LLC with an active Series 65 license, and also holds a still active Series 7 & 63 broker-dealer license with Pickwick Capital for occasional capital introduction purposes. He is also an approved industry FINRA Arbitrator. Mr. Leib has served as an Expert Witness, with AAA and SEC testimony experience, on a variety of matters revolving around hedge fund reporting, marketing, legal offering verbiage, internal valuation procedures, incentive fee recognition, trading practices, and overall required due diligence and fiduciary responsibility within the alternative investment industry.
Before focusing on hedge funds, Mr. Leib worked as a senior derivatives portfolio manager at firms including JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Barclays Bank, and Societe Generale for the first 20-years of his career. He also ran Alternatives Research for Fortigent LLC ($70 bln of assets advised) for two years.
While at Princeton, Mr. Leib, completed two theses, one of which examined the regulatory aspects of the 1980 Hunt Silver Crisis. This research work was subsequently introduced as Expert Analysis into Congressional and Senate Sub-Committee’s records. In more recent years, he has written about a variety of complex financial issues for financial publications including Institutional Investor, Plan Sponsor, Global Custodian, Financial Executive, and Derivatives Strategy. Mr. Leib’s overall knowledge of financial markets has been featured within two other books.
Barclay Leib is retained as a
Consultant & Expert Witness for the following:
Alternative Assets Due diligence
Fiduciary Duty
Incentive Fee Crystalizations on Unrealized Gains
Level 3 Accounting Practices
Venture Capital and Private Equity
Derivatives / Options Trading
Foreign Exchange
Precious Metals
Risk Management
Market Manipulation
Ponzi Schemes
Internal Valuation Procedures
Forensic Accounting
Alternative Direct Lending
Structure Products
Regulatory Reporting
For general inquiries or a complimentary case analysis by Mr. Leib, please use our contact form: